Hi, there.

If you’re reading this that means that you’ve ended up in my personal blog. Welcome! I’ll try to keep it short and interesting for both of us.

In the past few years, I’ve got fascinated by the topic of pure functional programming. I was lucky enough to see it being applied in real-world projects, I learned a lot from people practising it at their everyday work. And today, I believe I grasped enough knowledge on this topic for me to share it with you as a series of educative blog posts.

A little bit about myself and my programming background. I write an enterprise production code in Java for most of my career. I started young with Java 1.3 in my very first project. We used a lot of XML files back then for almost everything (even UI markup). In 2013 I learned about the new language being released for the JVM called Scala. I passed an obligatory coursera course back then which really helped me started in functional programming concepts but didn’t give enough insights into what makes Scala so great. So I give up on it for the next few years and only recently rediscovered it again. As a result of my experience, most of the examples in my blog will probably be in Java or Scala.

I must say, pure functional programming can be a controversial topic, depending on people you talk about it with. Myself, I’m open to diverse opinions on the subject, as long as they are fair and constructive. I think it will be fun.